The Benefits of Smart Thermostats

Wouldn’t you love it if you could open the electric bill, and see staggeringly low costs every month? Instead of feeling like you waste precious energy, or constantly adjust your heating and cooling system, it’s time to upgrade to a smart thermostat.



smart thermostat benefits

What are Smart Thermostats?

Smart thermostats are a better way to control and regulate the temperature of your home, so you can make smart savings choices, no matter where you are. Instead of going bump up the temperature before you leave, your thermostat can accommodate your needs with the push of a button.

Unlike original thermostats inside your home, smart thermostats give you the ability to adjust your energy usage as much as you need from a variety of locations, which can help regulate the frequency of your HVAC system. Smart thermostats are just one of the great energy saving tips you can introduce to your home.


Control the Temperature from Anywhere

The best part of smart thermostats is the ability to control your temperature wherever you go. Instead of coming home to a house that’s too warm, or cold, you can finally just the temperature right before you walk through the door. Products such as the Nest, or Ecobee smart thermostat have mobile apps that allow you to control the temperature before you walk through the door. Now, your thermostat settings can be adjusted from anywhere.


Reduce Energy Costs

Another complication of regular thermostats - if you forget to adjust the temperature in your home, it will remain running all day while you’re gone. This leads to higher energy bills at the end of the month, because you forgot to adjust the thermostat before you left. Now, with programmable thermostats, you’ll be able to control the temperature from anywhere. Your air conditioning doesn’t have to run all day, spiking up your bills to outrageous prices.

Plus, thermostats like the nest send you notifications as you save money, and encourage you to waste less energy. They promote energy-saving resources, to help you save money on your energy bills and make smart choices throughout your day.


Adjusts to Your Needs

It’s tiresome, constantly adjusting the temperature while you entertain guests, or resetting it the thermostat once your entire family has arrived home. Rather than worry about accommodating your home at a moment’s notice, your smart thermostat knows what to do. Because they are programmed to your needs and habits, these are learning thermostats, which means they learn when you come and go. If it detects routine movements around 5 in the afternoon, it will adjust itself according to your preference settings. You can expect consistent heating and cooling costs moving forward.


If you’re ready to control your smart thermostat and HVAC, it’s time to contact the reliable, local technicians at Swaim Electric. They can help you find ways to reduce energy costs, by installing and maintaining an HVAC unit that suits your needs. Schedule your discovery call today, and take a moment to learn more about one of our favorite HVAC units, the Trane XL18i.




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